Session Inertial Fusion
Chairman - Stepanov Roman V.
  1. *Aleksandrova I.V., Belolipetskiy A.A., *Koresheva E.R., *Koshelev E.L., Malinina E.A., **Panina L.V., Semenov K.O., *Chtcherbakov V.I. (A.A. Dorodnitsin Computing Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RF, *P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RF, **Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RF)
    Optimization of the FST- layering process during motion of a cryogenic targets batch inside the spiral vacuum channel: mathematical modeling & experiment. (37 kb)

  2. Bochkarev S.G., Brantov A.V., Bychenkov V.Yu., *Rozmus W. (Lebedev Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia, *University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
    Study of absorption with nonlocal thermal transport during short laser pulse interaction with semi-infitite plasma. (36 kb)

  3. Naseri N., *Bochkarev S.G., Rozmus W. (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, *Lebedev Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    Self-channeling of relativistic laser pulses in large-scale underdense plasmas. (29 kb)

  4. Brantov A.V., Bychenkov V.Yu., *Popov K.I., **Rozmus W. (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia, *University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, **Theoretical Physics Institute,University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
    Plasma self-organization and laser ion acceleration with using of low-dense target. (30 kb)

  5. Belokogne V.A. (Oceanology Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    The prospects outlook for imitation of the stellar nucleosynthesis by the laboratory supercompression of iron, and nickel. (31 kb)

  6. Belokogne V.A. (Oceanology Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    The reflections on phenomenological and statistical-thermodynamic "existence" of the shock-wave discontinuities as the "generalized" solution in the eulerian hydrodynamics. (29 kb)

  7. *Gus'kov S.Yu., Il'in D.V., Sherman V.E. (St.-Petersburg State Institute of Engineering (LMZ-VTUZ), St.-Petersburg, Russia, *P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    Combustion of inertial fusion target in the presence of inert impurities. (32 kb)

  8. Gasilov V.A., Boldarev A.S., D'yachenko S.V., Olkhovskaya O.G., *Grunenwald J., *Maillard Th. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow 125047, Russia, *Centre d'Etudes de Gramat, 46500 Gramat, France)
    3D simulations of wire-array based Z-pinch by means of RMHD code MARPLE. (28 kb)

  9. *,**Tkachenko S.I., Gasilov V.A., **Mingaleev A.R., Olhovskaya O.G., **Pikuz S.A., **Romanova V.M., *Khattatov T.A. (*MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia, **P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow 125047, Russia)
    Formation of core-corona structure in the discharge channel upon aluminum wire explosion. (27 kb)

  10. Aleksandrova I.V., *Aleksandrov A.N., **Belolipetskiy A.A., Kalabuhov V.A., Koresheva E.R., Koshelev E.L., ***Kutergin A.I., **Malinina E.A., Nikitenko A.I., Osipov I.E., ****Panina L.V., *****Safronov A.I., Timasheva T.P., *****Timofeev I.D., *****Usachev G.S., Chtcherbakov V.I. (Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia, *Corporation "óONSYST", Moscow, Russia, **A.A. Dorodnitsin Computing Centre of RAS, Moscow, Russia, ***CryoTrade, Ltd., Moscow, Russia, ****Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia, *****Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krasnaya Zvezda", Moscow, Russia)
    FST- technologes for production of hiper scale cryogenic targets. (36 kb)

  11. Bychenkov V.Yu., Brantov A.V., *Rozmus W. (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia, *Theoretical Physics Institute,University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
    Ion acoustic wave damping in collision plasma. (31 kb)

  12. Govras E.A., Bychenkov V.Yu. (P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia)
    Optimization of two-component laser targets parameters leading to the improvement of accelerated ions characteristics. (27 kb)

  13. *Baksht R.B., Zhigalin A.S., Oreshkin V.I., Russkikh A.G., Chaikovaskii S.A. (Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia, *Tel Aviv University, Laboratory of electric discharges and plasmas, Tel Aviv, Israel)
    Investigation of liners based on multichenal vacuum arcs. (31 kb)

  14. Gasilov V.A., Boldarev A.S., D'yachenko S.V., Olkhovskaya O.G., Kartasheva E.L., Boldyrev S.N., Bagdasarov G.A., Gasilova I.V. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow 125047, Russia)
    3D radiative MHD code MARPLE - a software for high temperature pulse plasma simulations. (32 kb)

  15. Ivanenkov G.V. (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, 119991, Leninsky Prospect 53, Moscow, Russia)
    Non-ideality of multiply ionized plasmas in the RMHD simulation of X-ray burst and explo-sion of X-pinch hot spot. (34 kb)

  16. Krauz V.I., *Mitrofanov K.N., **Scholz M., Vinogradov V.P., Vinogradova Yu.V., *Grabovski E.V., **Zielinska E., **Karpinski L., Koidan V.S., Myalton V.V., **Paduch M. (RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia, *SRC RF TRINITI, Troitsk, Moscow oblast, 142190 Russia, **IPPLM, Warsaw, Poland)
    Structure of current sheath in plasma focus discharge. (33 kb)

  17. Kurilenkov Yu.K., Tarakanov V.P., *Guskov S.Yu. (Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences, 13/19 Izhorskaya Str., 125412 Moscow, Russia, *Lebedev Physics Institute, 119991 Moscow, Russia)
    On specifics of DD synthesis at initial and stationary stages of nanosecond vacuum discharge with deuterium-loaded PD anode. (33 kb)

  18. Belokogne V.A. (Oceanology Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    The "Paradoxical" origin of the isothermal subshock instead of the "BAN" by the rigorous rayleigh-prandtl theory - during the "Photon steam" appearance. (29 kb)

  19. Gavrikov M.B., Tayurskiy A.A. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    The mechanism of large electric field generation in Z-pinch waists. (49 kb)

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