Section Review papers
  1. Mirnov S.V. (GNC RF TRINITI, Troitsk Mosc. Reg., RF)
    Has the spherical torus the thermonuclear future?. (25 kb)

  2. Potekhin A.Y. (Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
    Plasma in envelopes of neutron stars, and their thermal radiation. (32 kb)

  3. Podgorny I.M., *Podgorny A.I. (Institute for Astronomy RAS, Moscow, Russia, *Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    Heating and confinement of high-temperature plasma in the solar corona. (30 kb)

  4. Beklemishev A.D. (Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
    Project of new-generation open trap in INP: "Trap with turbulent plugs". (94 kb)

  5. Vdovin V. (RRC Kurchatov Institute, Tokamak Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia)
    Classical and New far off axis Fast Wave and Mode Conversion CD scenarios in active and non active large fusion machines and ITER. Alfven Resonance method for ELMs control Proposal. (32 kb)

  6. Romanelli F. (JET-EFDA, Culham Science Center, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, UK)
    The role of JET in the ITER preparation. (26 kb)

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