Section Magnetic confinement, theory and experiment

    Chairman - Meshcheryakov Alexey

  1. Akhmetov T.D., Belkin V.S., Bespamyatnov I.O., Davydenko V.I., Dimov G.I., Kovalenko Yu.V., Krivenko A.S., Potashov P.A., Razorenov V.V., Reva V.B., Savkin V.Ya., Shulzhenko G.I. (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

  2. Experiments on plasma density increase in the central solenoid of the AMBAL-M machine. (25 kb), (zip -8 kb)
  3. Balakina M.A., Smolyakova O.B. (IAP RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

  4. Numerical simulation of electron-cyclotron heating in tokamak at the tangent injection of microwave radiaton. (24 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  5. Beklemishev A.D. (BINP RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)

  6. On confinement of fast ions in RFP. (24 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  7. Beklemishev A.D., *Tessarotto M. (BINP RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, *Universita di Trieste, Trieste, Italy)

  8. Influence of plasma flows on equilibrium in non-symmetric systems. (24 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  9. Dnestrovskij Yu.N., Dnestrovskij A.Yu., Lysenko S.E., Cherkasov S.V. (RRC ‘Kurchatov Institute’, Nuclear Fusion Institute, Moscow, Russia)

  10. Canonical profiles in tokamaks with arbitrary cross section. (24 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  11. Melnikov A., Eliseev L., Perfilov S., Yudina O., Zimeleva L., Mavrin V., Razumova K., Dnestrovskij Yu., *Krupnik L. and HIBP team, **Ufimtsev M. (RNC KI, NFI, Moscow, Russia, *NSC KIPT, IPP, Kharkov ,Ukraine, **MSU, Moscow, Russia)

  12. The direct HIBP observations of the plasma response to the edge polarisation on T-10 tokamak. (24 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  13. Ilgisonis V.I., Khalzov I.V. (RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia)

  14. On the equilibrium of flowing plasma near the tokamak’s separatrix. (24 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  15. Dlougach E.D., Zvonkov A.V., Kulygin V.M., Kuyanov A.Yu., *Nuehrenberg J., Skovoroda A.A., *Zille R. (NFI RRC KI, Russia, *MPIPP, Germany)

  16. Toroidal mirror trap. (21 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  17. Budnikov V.N., Dyachenko V.V., Esipov L.A., Its E.R., Kantor M.Yu., Kouprienko D.V., Lashkul S.I., Popov A.Yu., *Shatalin S.V., *Vekshina E.O. (Russia RF, A.F.Ioffe PhTI,  St.Petersburg, *Russia,RF, St.Pb STU, St.Petersburg) Dynamic of the transport barrier formation on the FT-2 tokamak caused by low hybrid heating. (26 kb), (zip -5 kb)

  19. Gusev V.K., *Leonov V.M., Minaev V.B., *Tilinin G.N. (PTI, RAS, St. Pb, Russia, *Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia)

  20. NBI on globus-M preparation for the first experiments. (25 kb), (zip -5 kb)
  21. Mirnov S.V. (TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia)

  22. The key events in major disruptions in circular tokamaks. (20 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  23. Oleynik A.G. (TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia)

  24. The influence of large impulse  perturbations on the tokamak magnetic   structure. (24 kb), (zip -6 kb)
  25. Pastukhov V.P. and Chudin N.V. (RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia)

  26. Nonlinear  2-D convection and enhancement of plasma transport procecces near the threshold for mhd instability. (25 kb), (zip -5 kb)
  27. Bureeva L.A., *Lisitsa V.S., **Petrov D.A. (Institute of Spectroscopy of the RAS, Moscow, Russia, *NFI RRC "Kurchatovskiy institute", Moscow, Russia, **MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)

  28. Universal method of calculation of multicharged ions states populations in plasma. (28 kb), (zip -6 kb)
  29. Petrov A.A., Petrov V.G. (SSC RF TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia)

  30. Application of a pulse time-of-flight refractometry for measuring mean density in a tokamak ô-11í. (26 kb), (zip -5 kb)
  31. Akhmetov T.D., Davydenko V.I., *Potashov P.A., Reva V.B. (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, *NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia)

  32. Study of transverse transport of a hot plasma in the central solenoid of AMBAL-M. (24 kb), (zip -9 kb)
  33. Rantsev-Kartinov V.A. (INF RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia)

  34. Diagnostic opportunities of strick camera imaging in tokamaks. (26 kb), (zip -6 kb)
  35. Kolbasov B.N., Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., Romanov P.V. (INF RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia)

  36. Skeletal dendritic structure of agglomerates of visually separate microparticles in dust deposits in tokamak T-10. (29 kb), (zip -7 kb)
  37. Gusev V.K., Ana’nev A.S., Chugunov I.N., Levin R.G., Minaev V.B., *Mineev A.B., Krikunov S.V., Novokhatskii A.N., Patrov M.I., Petrov Yu.V., Podushnikova K.A., Rozhdestvensky V.V., Sakharov N.V., Shevelev A.E. (PhTI RAS, St.-Petersburg,  Russia, *NIIEFA, St.-Petersburg,  Russia)

  38. Peculiaryties of electron acceleration during ohmical plasma heating in the “GLOBUS-M” spherical tokamak. (26 kb), (zip -5 kb)
  39. Semenov I., *Mirnov S., **Fredrickson E.D., ***Stutman D., *Belov A., Savrukhin P. (INF RRC KI, Moscow, Russia, *TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia, **PPPL, USA, ***JHU, USA)

  40. Phenomenology of internal reconnections in NSTX. (24 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  41. Senichenkov I.Yu., Veselova I.Yu., Rozhansky V.A., 1)Lengyel L.L., 2)Schneider R., 3)Lalousis P. (St.Pb. STU, St.Pb., Russia, 1)M.Planck Inst. fur Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany, 2)M.Planck Inst. fur Plasmaphysik, Teilinstitut Greifswald, Germany, 3)Inst. of Electronic Structure and Laser, Greece)

  42. The role of GRAD B-induced drifts in pellet ablation. (25 kb), (zip -5 kb)
  43. Sergeev V.Yu., Bachareva O.A., Kuteev B.V., *Tamura N., *Goncharov P.R., **Khlopenkov K., ***Krasilnikov A.V., **Isobe M., **Ozaki T., **Sasao M., **Sudo S. (STU St.Pb., Russia, *GUAS, Japan, **NIFS, Japan, ***TRINITI, Russia)

  44. Evaluations of the optimal pellet injection parameters and expected detector signals for the PCX diagnostics on LHD. (27 kb), (zip -5 kb)
  45. Bureyeva L.A., *Lisitsa V.S., **Shuvaev D.A. (IS RAS, Moscow, Russia, *NFI RRC KI, Moscow, Russia, **MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)

  46. Radiative cascade due to dielectronic recombination with account for plasmas microfield. (25 kb), (zip -5 kb)
  47. Vdovin V.L. (RRC Kurchatov Institute ITER physics design group)

  48. Hydrogen minority ICRF ITER ohmic plasma heating scenario. highly localised off axis mode converted CD ITER scenarios. recent ITER relevant experimental updates for HFFW H/CD. (21 kb), (zip -4 kb)
  49. Batanov G.M., Kolik L.V., Petrov A.E., Pshenichnikov A.A., Sarksyan K.A., Skvortsova N.N., Kharchev N.K., *Ohkubo K., *Shimozuma T., *Idei H., *Yoshimora Y., *Kubo S., **Sanchez J., **Estrada T., **Van Milligen B.Ph. (GPI, Moscow, Russia, *NIFS, Toki, Japan, **EUROATOM-CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain)

  50. Investigation of  Turbulence  in a High-Temperature Plasma by   Microwave Scattering  Techniques in Modern  Stellarators. (29 kb), (zip -6 kb)