Section Physical basis of plasma and beam technologies
Chairman - Aleksandrov Andrey F.
  1. Isaev N.V., *Tarakanov V.P., Shustin E.G. (Institute of Radio Engineering a. Electronics of RAS, Fryazino, Russia, *Institute for High Energy Density of Associated Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
    Ion flows from area of beam plasma discharge at low magnetic field - physics and application. (30 kb)

  2. Fedorov M.V., *Yakovlev M.A. (Institute of general physics of the Russian Academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia, *Moscow State Engineering University named after Bauman, Moscow, Russia)
    Probability of generation high-energy photoelectrons by laser pulse near metal surface. (19 kb)

  3. Bubnov A.G., Grinevich V.I., Kvitkova E.Yu., Rybkin V.V. (Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, Ivanovo, Russia)
    Water solution of phenols purification in combined plasma catalytic processes. (30 kb)

  4. Gorbunov S.P., Krasov V.I., Paperny V.L., *Korobkin Yu.V., *Romanov I.V. (Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia, *Lebedev Physical Institute RSN, Moscow, Russia)
    Characteristics of expansion of high-current cathode plasma jet into the vacuum ambient. (25 kb)

  5. Velikodnyi V.Yu., *Alexandrov A.F., Berkova M.D., Vorotilin V.P., Grishin V.G., Samuolis I.A., *Sysoev N.N., Popov V.V., **Tolkunov B.N. (Institute of Applied Machanics RAS, Moscow, Russia, *Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, **Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    Theoretical and experimental investigations of volumetric detonation in water with dispersion of alkaline metal. (29 kb)

  6. Andreev V.V., Koube B.M., Umnov A.M. (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
    Numerical modelling of relativistic plasma bunches production and guidance of their movement. (29 kb)

  7. Velikodnyi V.Yu., Berkova M.D., Grishin V.G., Krychenko O.V., Popov V.V., Polotnyuk O.Ya., Rychagov E.N. (Institute of Applied Mechanics RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    Experimental investigation of plasma reactor for waste water refinement. (29 kb)

  8. Bedilov M.R., Bedilov R.M., Sabitov M.M. (Research Institute of Applied Physics of National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
    Multiply charged ions of gold and silver in the multiply component laser plasma. (31 kb)

  9. Bedilov M.R., Bedilov R.M., Sabitov M.M., Egamov U. (Research Institute of Applied Physics of National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
    Influence effect of "accumulation" on formation of multiply charged laser plasma ions spectra. (32 kb)

  10. Karas` V.I., Alisov A.F., Artamoshkin A.M., *Bingham R., Gavrilenko I.V., Zagrebel`ny I.A., Mirny V.I., **Potapenko I.F., Us V.S. (NSC "Kharkov Institute of Physics &Technology" of NAS of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine, *Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, **Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    Breakdown and discharge in low pressure gas created by a microwave radiation undergoing stochastic phase jumps. (27 kb)

  11. Skvortsov V.A., *Vogel N.I. (Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny, Russia, *University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany)
    Ball lightning as an unusial dipole current generator. (31 kb)

  12. Aleksandrov A.F., Bychkov V.L., Dvinin S.A., Mikheev V.V., Sviridkina V.S. (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physical Faculty, Moscow, Russia)
    Structure of DC discharge positive column in a transversal gas (air) stream. (30 kb)

  13. Dvinin S.A., Mikheev V.V., Sviridkina V.S. (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physical Faculty, Moscow, Russia)
    Resonances of the microwave discharge in a waveguide, connected with excitation of surface waves. (31 kb)

  14. Konovalov A.V., Sinkevich O.A. (Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical university), Moscow, Russia)
    Processes on the surface of the strong current arc cathode and self-coordinated volt-current characteristics of the thermionic cathode. (71 kb)

  15. Sinkevich O.A., *Chikunov S.E., *Isakaev E.Hh. (The Moscow Power EngineeringIinstitute (Technical university), Moscow, Russia, *Institute for Hhigh Temperatures, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia)
    Hydraulic and electric characteristics of plasmatrons in the laminar and turbulent regimes and turbulent modes of plasma flows. (46 kb)

  16. Khodataev K.V. (FSUF "MRTI RAS", Russia)
    Weak detonation wave ignition and sustaining in hipersonic flow by microwave discharge. (31 kb)

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