IV International Workshop
Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications
Russia, Zvenigorod, September 18-22, 2000
Organized by the United Physical Society of the Russian Federation
Science&Technology Centre "PLASMAIOFAN"
Workshop Chairman: Yu. Lebedev , Russian Academy of Sciences
Local Organizing Committee:
V. Ivanov, Science&Technology Centre
Yu. Kolesnichenko, Moscow Radiotechnical Institute, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
I. Kossiy, Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow
A. Tatarinov, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow
A.Vikharev, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of
Sciences, N-Novgorod
International Scientific Committee:
J. Asmussen , Michigan State University, U.S.A.
C.M. Ferreira, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon Technical
University, Portugal
Yu. Lebedev, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
J. Marec, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
O. Matsumoto, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
M. Moisan, Departement de Physique, Montreal University, Canada
J. Musil, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha,
Czech Republic
A. Ohl, Institute fur Niederplasma Temperature, Greifswald,
A. Shivarova, Sofia University, Bulgaria
IV International Workshop will be held on September 18-22, 2000 in the Rest House of the Russian Academy of Sciences situated at 50 km to the North-West of Moscow in a picturesque place of the Moscow region close to Zvenigorod one of the oldest towns of Russia. Zvenigorod was founded in 1152 in the high bank of the Moskva-river. At present the population of Zvenigorod is 15000. This region is known as "Russian Switzerland". The weather at the end of September in Moscow region is usually warm and soft. This period of the year is called in Russia an Indian summer.
Free bus service will be organized on September 17 from 1 till 5 pm (Moscow local time) for transportation of the participants from the Moscow International Airport "Sheremet'evo" to Zvenigorod. The same service will be also organized on September 22 after 3 pm from Svenigorod to the Moscow International Airport "Sheremet'evo".
The scientific Programme of the Workshop will include the lectures selected by the International Scientific Committee, original communications and poster sessions. Parallel sections are not planned. The total number of participants is about 60-70. The official language of the Workshop is English.
Cultural Programme includes excursions to historical places, old monasteries of the Moscow region.
A book of one-page Abstracts will be published before the Workshop. Special issue of selected reports will be published later. The guideline for ten-page papers will be sent later.
Registration fees are 450 US$ for the participants and 300 US$ for the accompanied persons. The fee include full board and accomodation during the Workshop, books of Abstracts and lectures, excursions, Welcome party and banquet.
The Organizing Committee organizes a visa support for participants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to simplify the process, if needed. If you would like to apply for it, please fill in the Final Registration Form and return to the Organizing Committee: E-mail: lebedev@ips.ac.ru
Important: the place (name of the town) of the Russian Consulate in your country where you are going to apply for visa must be indicated in your Final Registration Form.
Please also fax the copy of your passport to the Organizing Committee Fax: 7-095-230-2224.
Current information on the IV International Workshop " Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications" is placed on Web-site: http//www.fpl.gpi.ru/md
Current information on the IV International Workshop " Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications" is placed on Web-site: http://www.fpl.gpi.ru/md/
Contact address:
E-mail: lebedev@ips.ac.ru
Phone: 7-095-955-4322
Fax: 7-095-230-2224